Wednesday, August 26, 2020

International Hospitality Operations Coursework

Worldwide Hospitality Operations - Coursework Example Basically Dubai is one of the nations that structure the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Distinctive ethnic gatherings dwell in the Emirates, a portion of the incorporate Pakistani, European, Bangladesh, Indian and Emirati. It is noteworthy to take note of that, Middle East, is thriving from multiple points of view, which incorporate strategically, monetarily and demographically (Baum, 47). It is obvious that, a significant part of the region’s riches is inferable from having the world’s biggest stores of effectively extractable oil and the travel industry exercises. Foundation data The travel industry in Dubai and in the entire Gulf locale is similarly youthful. Until the late 19550s, Dubai had no lodgings. Guests would go through with their hosts. It is recognizable that, the accompanying two decades saw Dubai develop colossally in creating fundamental offices for explorers (Baum, 49). The opening of a worldwide air terminal in 1959 and revelation of oil in 1966 prodded a dvancement and opening of a few lodgings. The establishing of the Emirates Airlines in 1985 and the Dubai Tourism Board saw Dubai draw in speculators and travelers from over the globe. The Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) encouraged worldwide advancement and situating Dubai as both business center and resort goal (Rehman, 217). The foundation of the Jumeirah Group in 1997 as an inn the executives organization has seen the advancement of an arrangement of top of the line inns in Dubai and over the globe. For example, the Burj-Al-Arab was opened in 1997 as the initial seven-star inn on the planet (Brotherton, 151). This pattern has quickening to the current state, which places Dubai in the worldwide field in vacation destination and remote speculation (Rehman, 218). Political pattern The center East is frequently affirmed by westerners to be commensurate with strife, yet it center East has quiet regions where numerous differing nationalities assemble, work and live respectively in an amicable way (Buhalis and Costa, 122). It is basic to take note of that, the UAE is one of the serene spots with Dubai having the most elevated deluge of global specialists who make up to 80% of the country’s work power (Rehman, 219). Dubai is politically steady, and it has gained notoriety for being a protected center point for individuals of differing nationalities, who work for organizations from everywhere throughout the globe. It is a protected government administered by Sheik Mohammed (Rehman, 215). Mohammed, who has been on the wheel of initiative since 1995, had a dream for Dubai as a global center point for business and recreation. Mohammed understood his vision for Dubai rapidly by the foundation of business focuses, vacation spot focuses, which included high rises, for example, the Burj Khalifa. It is the tallest structure on the planet. Such structure makes Dubai particular from the remainder of the United Arab Emirates. They go about as vacatio n spot focuses. It is basic to take note of that, Dubai has figured out how to raise various advanced and pleasurable structures even on water. The Burj Khalifa is shown beneath (Tizabi, 321). Furthermore, is an individual from various worldwide associations and affiliations, which incorporate the Arab League, United Nations and World Trade Organization, this pattern has continued solid associations with the Western just nations. This participation has reinforced Dubai’s inner political security (Tizabi, 317). Culture and religion foundation It is imperative to take note of that, Dub

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Tolerancia Cero y cruce ilegal de la frontera de EE.UU.

Tolerancia Cero y cruce ilegal de la frontera de EE.UU. Tolerancia Cero es una polã ­tica migratoria del gobierno de Donald Trump, la cual impone que todas las personas que crucen ilegalmente la frontera sean detenidas, acusadas judicialmente y procesadas. En este artã ­culo se informa sobre quã © ocurre en estos momentos en la frontera cuando un migrante, despuã ©s de cruzar ilegalmente a los Estados Unidos, es atrapado por la Policã ­a Fronteriza (CBP, por sus siglas en inglã ©s). Tambiã ©n se toca el tema de la polã ­tica fronteriza bets de entrar en power Tolerancia Cero en abril de 2018. Asimismo, se informa sobre cã ³mo esta polã ­tica derivã ³ en la separaciã ³n de niã ±os de sus padres. Finalmente, se incluyen referencias sobre dã ³nde acudir para solicitar ayuda lawful. Cruce ilegal de la frontera bets de Tolerancia Cero Hasta hace pocos aã ±os, muy pocos cruces ilegales de la frontera eran castigados judicialmente. Esta situaciã ³n comenzã ³ a cambiar en 2005 con la aplicaciã ³n de la Operaciã ³n Streamline en Texas, que se fue expandiendo gradualmente para cubrir casi toda la frontera entre Estados Unidos y Mã ©xico. Bajo la aplicaciã ³n de Operaciã ³n Streamline, se calcula que aproximadamente una de cada tres entradas ilegales eran procesadas judicialmente. En el resto de los casos, los migrantes eran devueltos inmediatamente a sus paã ­ses de origen o se les permitã ­a ingresar mediante un permiso conocido como parole mientras se decidã ­a su caso, lo cual podã ­a demorarse aã ±os. En todo caso, por sistema no se incluã ­a el procesamiento legal ni la separaciã ³n de familias. Tampoco se procesaba penalmente a los niã ±os que ingresaban performances an Estados Unidos. Tolerancia Cero y consecuencias: separaciã ³n de familias y ms Tolerancia Cero comenzã ³ an aplicarse en mayo de 2018 y supuso, en la prctica, una ampliaciã ³n de la Operaciã ³n Streamline a toda la frontera sur que separa an Estados Unidos de Mã ©xico, afectando a todos los migrantes atrapados despuã ©s de cruzar an EE.UU. sin autorizaciã ³n. En un preliminary momento de la aplicaciã ³n de Tolerancia Cero, la CBP detenã ­a a migrantes y separaba an adultos de menores, produciã ©ndose asã ­ la separaciã ³n de familias. En esos casos, los adultos pasaban a disposiciã ³n legal y los menores eran entregados al U.S. Wellbeing and Human Services Department. Esta agencia los entregaba temporalmente a familiares de los menores presentes en Estados Unidos, a familias de acogida o an albergues repartidos por todo el territorio del paã ­s. Asã ­, en pocas semanas, ms de 3.000 menores fueron separados de sus padres, lo que provocã ³ protestas de diverso tipo que llevaron al Presidente Trump a poner balance, por orden ejecutiva del 20 de junio de 2018, an esta prctica de separaciã ³n de niã ±os de sus padres. Adems, el 26 de junio, la jueza Dana Sabraw ordenã ³ la reunificaciã ³n de estas familias y en el momento en que se escribe este artã ­culo, ms de 2.500 menores han sido regresados a sus padres. Sin ban, todos los dems aspectos de Tolerancia Cero siguen vigentes. Esto significa en la prctica que todos los adultos que child agarrados tras cruzar ilegalmente la frontera child puestos a disposiciã ³n legal para ser acusados y procesados. Las acusaciones pueden ser de dos tipos. En preliminary lugar, de ingreso ilegal, que es considerado una falta government, conocida en inglã ©s como offense. La condena puede ser de un mximo de 6 meses de crcel y despuã ©s se expulsa al migrante. Esto que sucede en la frontera es, desde el punto de vista de las leyes migratorias, una expulsiã ³n inmediata en la frontera, no una deportaciã ³n. Esta diferencia es importante a la hora de determinar las sentencias. Si una persona ha sido expulsada en la frontera bets y vuelve an ingresar de forma an ilegal, esta segunda o sucesiva entrada puede llegar a tener una condena de 2 aã ±os de prisiã ³n como mximo. Una situaciã ³n distinta, pero que por su nombre puede dar lugar a confusiã ³n, es el reingreso ilegal despuã ©s de una deportaciã ³n. El reingreso ilegal se da cuando una persona ha estado previamente en Estados Unidos y fue deportada tras un caso de corte migratoria. Es decir, esta situaciã ³n exige una orden de deportaciã ³n previa. Si la persona es atrapada despuã ©s de cruzar la frontera nuevamente, la pena de crcel puede llegar a ser, en los casos ms graves, de 20 aã ±os de prisiã ³n. Esta condena mxima se impone cuando la persona ha sido previamente  deportada por un delito agravado. Cabe destacar que, segã ºn las leyes migratorias, no solamente los delitos violentos tienen esta consideraciã ³n, sino tambiã ©n otros como el hurto, trabajar con un documento de identificaciã ³n falso, and so on. En cuanto al procesamiento, pueden darse dos situaciones. En groundwork lugar, que la persona detenida pase a disposiciã ³n legal en cuestiã ³n de dã ­as o semanas. En estos casos, muy frecuentemente la mayorã ­a de los migrantes consulta con un abogado un mximo 15 minutos y comparece risk un juez junto con otros detenidos en juicios masivos, donde en una misma maã ±ana se juzga a decenas de personas. En este tipo de casos, los migrantes suelen aceptar el load del que se les acusa, se les condena al tiempo que ya han servido mientras esperaban por el juicio y se les transfiere a la agencia de Inmigraciã ³n y Control de Aduanas de los Estados Unidos (ICE, por sus siglas en inglã ©s), la agencia del gobierno que procede a su deportaciã ³n. En segundo lugar, puede darse la situaciã ³n en que el migrante solicita asilo. En este caso, y por aplicaciã ³n de Tolerancia Cero, los oficiales que deben decidir sobre si permiten continuar un caso de asilo deben tener en cuenta como un factor negativo en contra del migrante el hecho de que ha ingresado ilegalmente an EE.UU. Si a pesar de este inconveniente, el oficial choose que se puede continuar con un caso de asilo, puede suceder que el migrante permanezca detenido por meses, e incluso aã ±os, mientras su caso se resuelve. Tambiã ©n puede suceder que quede en libertad mientras se choose su caso, bajo depã ³sito de fianza o por acuerdo de llevar una tobillera que permite determinar en todo momento dã ³nde se encuentra el migrante. Con respecto a la fianza, cabe destacar que aunque la ley requiere un monto mã ­nimo de $1.000, la fianza migratoria media es de $9.000, y en los casos de asilo pendiente child muchas las fianzas que exceden los $10.000, siendo ya comunes las que alcanzan los $25.000. A veces, los inmigrantes que no pueden obtener esa cantidad se deciden por el sistema de la tobillera. Aunque en principio parece ms asequible que una fianza migratoria ordinary, puede resultar ms cara. En el caso de la tobillera debe anticiparse una cantidad, que normalmente est fijada en $4.000. An ese monto feed que sumarle cada mes un pago de $420 mientras se resuelve el caso. Finalmente, en caso de estropear el aparato o daã ±arlo, debe abonarse $3.950. En cuanto al tiempo que tarda en resolverse un caso de asilo, en la actualidad y segã ºn una base de datos de la Universidad de Syracuse que sigue estos casos, el tiempo medio es de 700 dã ­as, es decir, casi 2 aã ±os, si bien feed diferencias importantes de corte a corte y segã ºn la situaciã ³n del caso de cada solicitante.  ¿Dà ³nde encontrar ayuda legitimate para detenidos y solicitantes de asilo? Es central contar con buena asesorã ­a lawful para tener una oportunidad civic chairman de ganar un caso de asilo tras haber cruzado ilegalmente la frontera u obtener otros beneficios migratorios, como la visa U para vã ­ctimas de violencia o la visa T para vã ­ctimas de trfico humano. La Asociaciã ³n Americana de Abogados de Inmigraciã ³n (AILA, por sus siglas en inglã ©s) es la organizaciã ³n de abogados migratorios de EE.UU., y ofrece una excelente base de datos para buscar un letrado especializado. Asimismo, diversas organizaciones de apoyo legitimate a migrantes pueden dar buenas referencias o, incluso, safeguard casos a bajo costo o free. En el caso de menores solicitantes de asilo, organizaciones como Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) y Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES), entre otras, se especializan en este tipo de ayuda. Puntos clave La polã ­tica de Tolerancia Cero tiene como mandato acusar y procesar a todos los migrantes que ingresen ilegalmente.Castigo por entrada ilegal: mximo 6 meses.Castigo por reingreso ilegal: mximo 20 aà ±os.Fianzas para quienes solicitan asilo tras cruce ilegal de frontera: frecuentemente por encima de $10.000. Este es un artã ­culo informativo. No es asesorã ­a legitimate.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Healthy Eating Habits in Social Anxiety Disorder

Healthy Eating Habits in Social Anxiety Disorder Social Anxiety Disorder Coping Print Healthy Eating Habits in Social Anxiety Disorder By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on June 24, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Eat healthy foods to combat anxiety. Lew Robertson / Getty Images Healthy eating habits can mean the difference between a day filled with jitters and a day of calm and peace. Below are nine tips for healthy eating to help those with social anxiety disorder (SAD) improve overall wellness, and reduce feelings of anxiety on a daily basis. Eating Better to Reduce Anxiety Eat Small, Regular Meals. When you skip meals, your blood sugar levels drop and you may feel irritable, jittery, and have worsened anxiety. Aim to eat 5 to 6 smaller meals and snacks throughout the day to keep your blood sugar levels from plummeting.Eat Whole Grains/Good Carbohydrates. Replace processed grains (such as white bread and pasta) and simple carbohydrates (such as fruit juices) with complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Foods that contain complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta, beans, broccoli, and cabbage take more time for the body to process than simple carbohydrates like sugar, and will lead to fewer ups and downs in serotonin levels in the brain, and may help you feel calmer.Avoid Refined Sugar. Refined sugar, found in sweets, soda pop, and other foods, can affect your bodys metabolism and deplete certain vitamins and minerals. Stay away from obvious sugar sources as well as hidden sugar in packaged and canned foods. Drink Herbal Tea Instead of Coffee. Caffeine can cause an effect similar to the stress response involved in anxiety, so its best when avoided. Caffeine can be found in coffee, tea, soda pop, chocolate, and some medications. Try alternatives such as herbal tea instead of coffee; although it may be hard to give up caffeine at first, in the long run, youll feel better.Limit Alcohol. Alcohol can aggravate feelings of depression (which often coincide with social anxiety) and is best avoided or limited.Take a Multi-Vitamin. Ensure that you receive adequate daily vitamins and minerals by supplementing your diet with a multi-vitamin. Magnesium is a particularly important mineral and can also be found in foods such as nuts (e.g., almonds and cashews), soybeans, and spinach.Watch Artificial Sweetener Consumption. Although it might be tempting to use artificial sweeteners in place of refined sugars, be sure that consumption of these products is not aggravating your social anxiety. If you find yourself feeling particularly anxious after consuming an artificial sweetener, it might be wise to avoid that product.Include Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Increase the consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids by eating nuts, seeds, and cold water fish.Drink Water. Stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the day. Dehydration can lead to lower energy levels which can worsen anxiety. In addition to the above tips, remember to introduce any changes to your diet in a gradual fashion; otherwise, you might find that you quickly return to your old habits. Also be sure to avoid any foods that are known allergens for you, particularly those that worsen your anxiety. Making changes such as those above will help you not only gain control of social anxiety but also improve your general health.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Child Abuse And Its Effects On Children s Development

Working in education, specifically in the disciplinary area, I have had many meetings with single mothers about behavior issues related to their child. This does not mean that meetings with single fathers never occur, but not as frequently as with single mothers. Now of course there have been several published works that have identified negative behavioral characteristics to be associated with being raised with an absentee father. Those effects include engaging in drug abuse, experiencing educational, emotional, and behavioral problems, becoming victims of child abuse, and engaging in criminal behavior. This data implies that these unfortunate social problems are associated with the absence of a father from a child’s life. However, â€Å"differences in children’s well-being remain contentious because research on parenting has developed contrasting theoretical accounts of the effects that fathers may have on children’s development (Debell, 2008 p. 428). As a resu lt, I began to wonder about the children who are in fact being raised by their father and if the same risk factors related to behavior exist. Review of the Literature Single fathers are a minority. They are rare, but growing rapidly as more and more people can fathom a father being able to satisfy the needs of his children. In 1970, although 1.1% of children under age 18 lived in a single custodial father home, this number has climbed to 4.8% by 2005 (Bronte-Tinkew, J., Scott, M. E., Lilja, E.,2010, p. 1107).Show MoreRelatedEffect of Domestic Violence on Children692 Words   |  3 Pageshas a great effect on children. Domestic violence also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse or child abuse is recognized as a pattern of abusive behavior by one or both partners especially those in marriage. This coercive behavior is used against another person to obtain power and control over the other party in a relationship. Domestic violence takes many forms such as physical violence which includes kicking, hitting, shoving and restraining. Verbal and physical threats of sexual abuse, intimidationRead MoreThe Effect of Child Abuse o n The Emotional Development of the Infant1229 Words   |  5 PagesThe Effect of Child Abuse on the Emotional Development of the Infant to Five Years Old in the United States A Review of the Literature Child abuse is one of the most serious issues in the United States today. Child abuse is the physical, emotional/ psychological or sexual maltreatment of a minor. Neglecting a child is another type of abuse, and includes malnutrition, abandonment, and/or inadequate care of a child’s safety. Additionally, any neglectful act can lead to physical or emotional harmRead MoreChildren Are Victims Of Child Abuse1353 Words   |  6 Pages Did you know that more than six million children are victims of child abuse in the United States? We lose four to seven children every day due to abuse and neglect. The United States has one of the highest child abuse records across the nation (National Child Abuse Statistics 1). Children can be abused in many ways including neglect, physical, mental, sexual and emotional abuse. People do not realize the severity of this epidemic. More and more children are being effected everyday, having to dealRead MoreChild Abuse And Neglect Of Children1291 Words   |  6 PagesChild abuse and neglect are highly contested concepts, underpinned by and subject to a range of political and cultural factors particular to the society in which they occur. Therefore, child abuse and neglect are not phenomena that lend themselves to easy definition or measurement (Corby, 2006:79). This means that child abuse or neglect cannot be defined unless we take the cultural context into consideration, for what is considered to be abusive or neglectful in one society could be acceptable inRead MoreThe Effects Of Sexual Abuse On Children1441 Words   |  6 Pagesobject, the father leaves the child laying helplessly on the floor. The child wailing out for help from a â€Å"parent†, but no parent comes, so there the child lay balling. How could a parent abuse something they created? A person that is abused feels alone because they do not have a real parent figure, nor a family member to talk to. Some parents claim they spank the child; however, hit the ch ild more than once. Abused children not only experience the effects of the abuse in childhood, but it also becomesRead MoreDefinitions of Child Abuse and Neglect1422 Words   |  6 PagesChild abuse is defined as the mistreatment of a child by a parent or guardian ( The different types of child abuse are emotional, neglect, physical, and sexual; abuse each having unique signs for the specific type of abuse. Child abuse can have many effects throughout an individual’s development including the possibility of the repeating abuse to their own children when they have a family. According to the textbook â€Å"Human Development,† emotional abuse or maltreatment is the rejectionRead MoreChild Abuse And Its Effects On Children1227 Words   |  5 Pagesreports of child abuse are made involving more than 6 million children. The United States has one of the worst records of child abuse losing 4-7 children a day to the abuse. Abuse is when any behavior or action that is used to scare, harm, threaten, control or intimidate another person. Child abuse is a behavior outside the norms of conduct and entails substantial risk of causing physical or emotional harm. There are four main types of child abuse; physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, andRead MoreParenting Is A Huge Public Health Issue Facing Society Today901 Words   |  4 Pagesenvironment a parent sets for their child is important because childhood is the time when human beings are particularly susceptible and responsive to external experiences (Bornstein, 1998). Children will grow up to believe behaviors and ideals of their parents are appropriate and acceptable by society. The influence parents have on kids has a major effect on issues such as teen pregnancy, substance abuse, child abuse, juvenile crime, and mental illness that can follow a child into adulthood (Hoghughi, 1998)Read MoreChild Abuse And The Long Term Effects860 Words   |  4 PagesQuestion/Introduction â€Å"What is child abuse and how does it effect an individual in long term?† According to, child abuse is defined by federal law as, Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or care taker ,which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sex abuse or exploitation. Child abuse is really a very critical problem in our society because it has long lasting social, mental/ emotional, and physical effects on an individual. I have witnessed these effects on close friendsRead More Investigating the Long-Term Effects of Physical Child Abuse Essay1057 Words   |  5 Pages Everyday there are children being abused by someone who is supposed to protect them. An estimated 905,000 children were victims of child abuse or neglect in 2006(Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2008). In 1996, more than three million victims of suspected abuse were reported to child protective services agencies in the United States (Baker, 2002). The numbers have changed and still many cases of abuse go unreported. The number of incidences of child abuse rises when the family is under stress

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Sectional issues leading up to the Civil War, how the...

The Civil war was the most momentous and crucial period of time in the history of America. Not only did this war bring an end to slavery but also paved way for numerous social and political changes. The country had already been torn by the negative trend in race relations and the numerous cases of slave uprisings were taking their toll on the country s political and social structure. The country was predominately divided up into 3 sections, the North, the South, and the West. Each of these groups had different fundamental interests. The North wanted economies depending on farming, factories and milltowns, while the West relied on expansion and development of land for farming and new towns. The South mainly relied on agriculture like†¦show more content†¦Manifest destiny is a justification for Americans going around seeking territorial growth to spread civilization. They felt it was their obligation or god given right. Is probably responsible for the United states being so la rge. All of the Southwestern United States came from fighting with mexico, buying their land, or treaties. At the end of the Revolutionary War, the United States owed huge debts. It also owned vast assets, the largest of which were the lands between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River. For these lands to have value, however, the Confederation Congress needed to find a way to survey and sell them. To do so, Congress divided the western lands into townships six miles square. Each township was in turn divided into 36 sections. Each section contained 640 acres. Land was to be sold by section at one dollar per acre. It is obvious then that the people in the North fueled the uprising of slaves against the South, which eventually culminated in Civil war. Civil war was not only a conflict between whites and blacks, it was more power struggled between the modern states of the North and the agrarian states of the South. Since the North believed in the fundamental human rights and wanted slavery to be abolished, they sided with the slaves in their freedom struggle. Moral issues grew after abolitionists preached against slavery.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Assignment on Motivation and Appreach to Learning Free Essays

string(93) " which explains that the learning comes to the maximum level when the senses are stimulated\."   In this essay I would like to discuss the factors that motivated me to do my masters in marketing and also why I choose Bangor University. Since childhood, various aspects of the business world intrigued me but the most intriguing of them all is marketing. Here, the primary reason for which I wanted to pursue MBA in marketing from Bangor University; I firmly believe that I will be benefiting in my professional as well as my personal life. We will write a custom essay sample on Assignment on Motivation and Appreach to Learning or any similar topic only for you Order Now I am keenly interested in enhancing my knowledge further beyond my home country, thus I found Bangor Business School is an excellent place to hone my professional skills and thereby have a bright future.I firmly believe in motivation and Maslow’s Hierarchy Theory motivated me a lot to take my masters. My approach to learning is same as that of the Sensor Stimulation Theory (Laird, 1985). Larid suggested that majority of the learning is done by observing, which is almost 75% and I agree with him. The issues that anticipate in a group work can be of many reasons; I personally faced many group work problems for the last two years when I was working at Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL), India.The problems which I faced while working at BPCL in group work are lack of discussion about the project work and personal ego problems with the team members. Rectification could be done when all the group members meet often and discuss their respective problems or a strong decision from the management side will also works for the problems faced in groups. What motivated me to study my Master’s degree at Bangor According to Meahr amp; Mwyer (1997) â€Å"Motivation is a theoretical construct used to explain the initiation, direction, intensity, persistence, and quality of behaviour, especially goal-directed behaviour†.The theory that motivated me to study my masters is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory (Abraham Maslow, 1943). The theory is basically a classical definition about the human motivation. Maslow Theory is explained on the basis of five needs of a human being. The basic five needs are as follows, 1. Physiological needs. 2. Safety needs. 3. Social needs. 4. Esteem needs. 5. Self-actualization needs. Physiological needs can be defined as the basic needs such as air, food, water, clothing and shelter or it can be defined as the basic requirements of a human being, without the basic needs none can survive in the universe.Emotional, physical and environmental safety comes under the safety needs. In detail the safety needs can be of security from jobs, family, health etc. Being a mortal soul the support from the life partner, parents, peers etc. is pertinent and this known as social need for a human being. It may also include the care and affection also. One can achieve his/her goals in life only with the support from family and friends. Internal and external esteem needs are the principal needs for any human being. Internal esteem needs means the need that is developed inside the person, which could be self-respect, confidence, freedom etc.Some people are highly confident about the path where they are traveling and they will be certainly achieving their goals without any obstacles. External esteem needs comprises of power, status etc. People in the society are highly conscious about the status and the power that they are holding in the society and this motivates them to achieve their goals. Finally comes the self-actualization needs, self-actualization can be defined as the desire for self-fulfilment. Self-actualization means the strong desire to achieve our goals by measuring our capabilities. It also helps to gain more knowledge and make the life more creative. When we grow psychologically the opportunities also grow continuously. The last factor of Maslow’s theory that is self-actualization influenced me a lot, from my school level itself I was very much interested in the business sector and I came to this field. After reading this theory during my graduation days my intention to take the masters increased. I can hopefully say that this theory motivated me a lot to take my masters. After my graduation in Mechanical Engineering I had been working in Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, India.At that time my mind always thinking about the masters and I started checking for good universities and I found Bangor would be the best choice for me to take the masters and to achieve my goal. When I was going through the university website many things attracted and it found to be interesting as well. The main thing is it is one of the oldest and famous institutions in UK. It had an overall experience of more than 120 years in teaching with the international students and when I looked the ranking chart I found Bangor University is having a good rank. Many of my friends told me Bangor Business School is the best choice to take your masters.The other important thing about this place is the cost of living; it is very low when we are comparing with other universities and cities. The university is having a wide range of library and IT resources. Bangor is also having a strong research wing and I like to do my research in marketing sector here itself. Bangor is also having a good job zone which will help the students to get their part time job easily. Many career workshops are conducted by the university, by this we will be getting assistance in making a curriculum vitae, how to attend an aptitude test and competency about interviews.More over Bangor is having a beautiful geographical structure and the city is quiet and free from the noise pollution. All these factors made me to take my masters in marketing from Bangor. MY APPROACH TO LEARNING. Learning can be defined as the permanent change in one’s behaviour or potential from a direct or indirect experience. My approach to learning is almost like the Traditional sensory stimulation theory (Larid, 1985) which explains that the learning comes to the maximum level when the senses are stimulated. You read "Assignment on Motivation and Appreach to Learning" in category "Papers" Larid’s theory mainly focus on the five basic sensory motion of a human being, which tells us that in majority of the adults which is about 75% learning is through seeing. Hearing comes next with only 13%, and the rest three senses such as touch smell and taste comprises only 12%. If a person is having a good multiple senses, he can be a good learner. According to Burn’s â€Å"The concepts of individuals have different needs and concerns at different times, and that they have subjective interpretations in different contexts†. From my personal experience I can site out that Larid’s theory is a very good approach to learning.I had done my graduation in mechanical engineering and at that time we had to study a lot about the working of big machineries like lathe, grinding machine, universal testing machine etc. At the time of lecture in class about the working principle of machines I was not fully digested about the working, but when I go to the lab and see th e working of these machines I was fully convinced about the working. This is the same case when we are studying about the working principle of automobile engines. From my childhood I prefer to see objects rather than hearing about it.I had some other approaches also towards my learning which is known as approach for accelerated learning. It consists of four main objectives, they are 1. Target 2. Plan. 3. Track progress. 4. Do it for life. (Source: – accelerated learning et. al) The first thing that should be in one’s mind when he/she starts their learning is goal and objectives which can be called as target. Making the target is the first step towards our goal, from this moment one can set their direction towards their goal. Target can be divided into three factors. The first factor is one should find and analyse the reason why he/she set this goal.The second element is one had to explore their goal, which means one must have a good idea about the goal and also about the life after achieving the goal. The third factor is one must have clear cut knowledge about the objectives which he/she had to complete on the way to goal. Planning has a great importance in learning. After setting the goal one must prepare a course map, in this they had to plan their study time, time for doing their assignment, reading articles also time for entertainment. If there is no entertainment a person can be narrow minded. For all this a good planning must be there. Usually from my childhood itself I had a good planning about my studies and this helped me a lot to reach my goal and that helped me more when I was working in construction field. In construction field planning has a great value and there we had to plan the work for the coming two or three weeks in advance. If one’s planning fails company had to suffer a lot. After planning about the studies he/she should fall in line with the studies. During this procedure one can pause occasionally and check whether they are moving in right track or not. If he/she is going in the wrong direction of their target they had to recheck heir planning and the correct it. I usually follow this way on my studies because by this I can calculate how far my target is and how much distance I had cover on my way to the target. The final factor is ‘Do it for life’, means after reaching the goal one must make some time to enjoy what they had achieved. So when one is using their knowledge, then they can reinforce their self-image which will give them a great sense of satisfaction. ISSUES IN A GROUP WORK. While working with an individual or a group of people, one’s attitudes and behaviour changes which is termed as social influence.When we are working in a group many problems can come into play. It will affect the smooth working of an organisation. So when we are starting a group work we must be aware of the issues that can arise in a group and we must be ready to solve the issues. The issues in a group work can be as follows 1. Problems due to poor planning. 2. Less control on the process. 3. No new ideas or information on discussion. 4. Lack of discussion about the ideas. 5. Unable to complete the task on time. 6. Poor participation by the group members. 7. Frustration between the members in the group. 8. Playing a domination role by a team member. 9.Being of the target. 10. Communication problem. (Source: – Berk and Lintem et. al) Planning plays a pivotal role in a group work while doing a project. If one is not having a proper planning then he/she will not able to run the project smoothly. When I was working in a mechanical firm we gave more importance to planning department because there we are using heavy cranes for the erection of equipment for a high fare and if the planning fails everything is gone. So when we are starting anything we must plan it very well. Not at all for job, when one is doing a group assignment during their studies also a good planning must be there.When one is doing a group assignment a person must be there to principal the team and lead the group members in the right direction. Otherwise every group members will be in confusion about the proceedings and this may cause many problems. If the group members are having no new ideas or information about the work they are doing, then they will not be able to complete the task in time in a good manner. One should be well aware about the topic that he/she is doing. The important factor in a group work is the discussion. The team leader must call a group meeting and discuss about present position of the work, how they can proceed, new ideas etc.If there is no discussion going on about the strategies, then the team members will be performing accordingly to their wish and later it becomes very difficult to complete the task in a good fashion. Only from a balanced discussion new ideas will be emerged. Time management is one of the critical factors in a group work. There must be a time table and the group should monitor it. If there is no prioritized time schedule for a task and at the last moment the group had to scramble to finish the task and eventually fails to meet the expectations.In some cases some of the group members did not participate in discussion and they will remain quiet and just hear the discussion only. As a result the other the team members had to work a lot to compensate for this and it effects the smooth functioning of the group. Frustration among team members is a quite normal problem occurring in a group work. In a group, if he/she thinks that their ideas are not giving any importance or preference by the other group members and as a result they will be getting frustrated and because of this a lot of problems may arise.At the time of discussion when one or two dominates the session other team members may think that their ideas are not giving any priority and it may affect the team outcomes. Being of the task means, after getting the task the team members will not take it seriously and they waste time on playing or gossiping. At the last moment only they will be aware about the task and fails to finish it before the deadline. This is usually seen in many of the group works. Proper communication among group members is a very important factor in a group work. If there is no communication between the team members they can’t produce a good output.This is one of the main problems that I had faced when I was working in BPCL, India. How one can overcome the above sited problems in a group is discussed below. STRATEGIES FOR SOLVING GROUP PROBLEMS. For solving the problems in a group work there are many approaches, it mainly depends on the problems nature and the person who had involved in that problem. Usually rational approach is use to solve the problems. Rational approach means analyse the problem, check for alternatives, evaluate every alternative, select one, apply it and check whether the problem is rectified or not.Enough time must be given to the group members to introduce themselves such as their name, identity etc. A brainstorming section should be conducted to develop an idea about the group project. In that section select one person as a team leader and decide the date and time for the next meeting and start to work on the task. This will help to complete the task in a better manner. This will help to rectify the problem which causes due to slow start and poor planning. In the brainstorming section every team members must be there and each one had to contribute their own ideas.After generating the few ideas evaluate it and try for further. If these approaches are not working they can approach the tutor for guidance. List out the ideas which are proposed in the discussion and they must be sure that all the ideas had been tested. Encourage the team members to get some offensive suggestions sometimes it may help to create new ideas. For resolving the problems related to the time management, timelines must be established in which all the group members must agree on that. For every meeting the team member must come with a progress report on what they had been doing after the last meeting.The team members must help each other for the completion of task, for example a person is not able to do his work due to some illness or some other reason. One of the other problems in a group will be lack of participation by members. For this the team had to found out why he /she is quiet and not active. Make a chat with that person in the presence of a non-participating member to recognize the reason for the absence of involvement and the one who had talked must try to solve it. I had a similar experience when I was working in BPCL, India. We handled the situation in the same manner and the reason for that guy was some family problem.Next we can check out how one can solve the frustration between members. Every member must respect the ideas of others and this doesn’t mean that one had support the other people’s idea blindly. They can evaluate and provide productive comments about the idea. When one had to disagree with one’s idea do it graciously and the team members must bear in mind that they had to go for negotiation and comprise while working in a group. In some group work issues may anticipate when one or two members dominate in the discussion and to resolve this, team leader must take care of it. Every team member must be given chance to explicate their ideas. So when a person is exceeding the time limit one can tell politely that your time limit is over and let us now hear what others had had to say and it will be useful for you also. For solving the communication problem first of all one had find out what are the issues that effect a group work because of poor communication. Then check out for which task it is mainly effecting. For example, if there is a misunderstanding between the team members one had to take steps to solve this by giving a clear idea about the task and clarify their doubts. CONCLUSION. No can survive in today’s world without learning.I can hopefully say that self-actualization need in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory motivated me a lot to take my masters in marketing. Why I choose Bangor University for my masters is that Bangor is maintaining a good rank in the top universities rank list in UK and the cost of living is also very cheap when compared with other cities in United Kingdom. My approach to learning is almost comparable to Larid’s Traditional sensory stimulation theory and the four factors that bear on mind while studying is target, plan, track progress and do it for life. Group work will help an individual to hone their capabilities. How to cite Assignment on Motivation and Appreach to Learning, Papers

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Ethical Behavior free essay sample

In this paper, I am going to discuss the importance of ethical behavior and its significance in persuasion. I will also define two ethical theories and finally, I will explore the impact that ethical practices have on persuasion. Persuasion is extremely important in ethical behavior. It is what mothers use to teach their children to make the right decisions. It can also be used by drug users to convince the insecure teen to try a drug for the first time, in order to fit in with the crowd. Persuasion can be life saving or deadly. Such is the case of Phoebe Prince, a young fifteen year old teen who committed suicide in January of this year. According to an article in the New York Times, she had transferred to an American school from Ireland and was eager to make friends. She attracted the attention of a football star at the high school, who apparently had recently broken off a relationship with another girl. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical Behavior or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It was this girl who persuaded her friends to join in belittling Phoebe any chance they could. The taunts grew more and more violent and abusive, until they turned in to physical threats. After three months of being bullied every day, Phoebe decided to give her accusers exactly what they wanted. She escaped the only way she knew how; by hanging herself in the apartment stairwell when she came home from school. This power of persuasion is not unlike Adolf Hitler’s hatred against the Jewish people. The more people they were able to persuade into joining in the tirade of accusations and unethical behavior, the stronger the momentum became, until death was imminent. Fortunately, people are beginning to recognize the seriousness of bullying. The Swedish Work Environment Authority Act suggests that, â€Å"Preventative interventions should include whole community awareness campaigns about the nature of bullying and its dangers. Efforts should also be made to enhance the emotional and organizational environments in school and work settings by promoting sensitivity, mutual respect and tolerance to diversity while prohibiting bullying† (Srabstein and Leventhal, 2010). Persuasion is the key to preventing this behavior for future generations. Although there are several if not many ethical theories, Utilitarian ethics is one that is used often. This theory is based upon the reasoning that â€Å"the right act is the act that produces the greatest benefits for everyone† (Waller, 2005). It is this reasoning that persuasion comes into play. Utilitarianism strives to â€Å"maximize pleasure and minimize suffering for everyone† (Waller, 2005). With the basis that the right act will produce the greatest benefit, persuasion can be used to guide a person into committing the right act. For example, many people agree that shoplifting is wrong, because the effects from stealing from another cause more suffering than pleasure for all involved. Persuasion can be used to try and reason with the potential shoplifter so they change their mind and decide not to steal. However, persuasion can also be used to coerce the shoplifter into taking the item, using peer pressure to entice. Either way, utilitarian ethics involve choices or choices involve persuasion. Another theory of ethics that can be impacted by persuasion is the theory of rights. These rights are put into place by the society in which someone lives. In the United States, we have our Constitutional Rights, which lists what our forefathers deemed to be used to guide its citizens in their quest for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. There is also the ethics of human rights, such as enforcing the death penalty. In Europe after World War II’s death and destruction, the Council of Europe was created as a way to protect human rights. This included abolishing the death penalty. What began as ten countries quickly grew to include 47 nations. When Ukraine joined the Council of Europe (CE) in 1995 (Bae, 2008), an immediate moratorium on executions was expected to be compliant with the other nations. Ukraine ignored the moratorium and it was during this time that executions actually increased (Bae, 2008). The Council of Europe was able to persuade Ukraine to abolish the death penalty using the threat that they could not continue to let Ukraine be a member of the CE if they did not comply. However, the people of Ukraine, as well as other countries in the CE, were in favor of the death penalty. Their citizens were trying to persuade Ukraine to continue the executions. Ultimately, even though Ukraine was in favor of the death penalty, under the persuasion of the CE, they ultimately chose to abolish this law in order to maintain their continued membership. It is easy to see how ethics and persuasion ultimately coexist with each other and how they can be used in both, ethical and unethical situations. For every right or reason a person believes in, there was the initial persuasion that led them to those beliefs.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Animal Dreams essays

Animal Dreams essays People dream about whatever they do when theyre awake. Dreams, what [one] hopes for, [are] not separate from [ones] life (133; ch.12). In Barbara Kingsolvers novel, Animal Dreams, each characters hopes, aspirations, and hardships are intricately woven throughout their lives and intertwined in their dreams. In the case of Codi Noline, the novels central character, foresight played both the role of the adversary and the desired. With the help of those surrounding her, such as her ailing father, Dr. Homero Noline, her adventurous sister, Hallie, a colorful local, Dona Althea, and her naturalist, hog-head boyfriend, Loyd, Codi finds closure and a place in her heart for the love that has forever been bestowed upon her. Each of these characters dreams reflects their innate and cultural instincts. For some, lack of faith and fear of rejection blockaded the gates to happiness, while other characters in the novel displayed courageous and directed efforts in order for their dreams to be come realized. In search of a place in the sun, a place to belong, Codi Noline set out on a journey to return to her hometown of Grace where during her childhood she had felt like an outcast. Lacking both sleep and dreams, she attempted to search for her life, her past, and any hint of connection with her distant, ailing father. Due to the lack of male influence and attention from Dr. Noline, Codi sought solace in the arms of her lovers. This constant desire for companionship left her helpless and alone. Her attempts to be brave were reinforced by her restablished relationship with Loyd Peregrina (200; ch.17). Codis main goal in life since she was young was to fit in, but unfortunately she was always an oddity in Grace, forced to wear orthopedic shoes and read encyclopedias (219; ch.18). After the death of her mother and the miscarriage of her baby, Codi feare...

Friday, March 6, 2020

Being A Good Nurse And Doing What Is Right Example

Being A Good Nurse And Doing What Is Right Example Being A Good Nurse And Doing What Is Right – Book Report/Review Example Being a Good Nurse and Doing What Is Right Task Being a good nurse and doing what is right According to the research done by Smith & Godfrey on what it entails being a dutiful nurse, seven aspects emerged with regard to the study. Personal characteristics being one of them would entail personal respect, being compassionate, excellent communication skills, respects other people’s beliefs and takes care of his or her self. It requires one to have professional experience that would include being an ambassador of the profession and working towards developing the field of nursing and acting as the profession requires. Another aspect would be the knowledge base of the nurse. They should trust the experience they would have gained in the nursing career, be competent in their work and be ready to learn to better their skills and knowledge. Patient cent redness would also be exercised. This would be by putting the patient’s interest first and giving them priority over other thin gs. Being a good nurse would require one to be the patient’s advocate at all times. They should be supportive and advocate for choices and preferences of patients. A good nurse would be required to posse’s decisive thinking skills. These would help them make decisions that would be conflicting regarding their career, obligations and rights of the patient. They should make sound judgment when solving patient’s problems. A nurse who would portray patient care would also be termed as being good. This would be by giving the patients the right attention in dealing with their needs. This would be achieved by involving concerned family members and health care team members. If a good nurse does this, the patient gets the best care that would enable them recover quickly. Patient’s care would also include teaching and communications aimed at addressing the patient’s needs. Therefore, any nurse who would have the above characteristics and apply them in the co urse of their duty would be termed as being a good nurse (Smith & Godfrey 2002).ReferenceSmith, K. and Godfrey, N. (2002). Being A Good Nurse And Doing The Right Thing: A Qualitative Study. Retrieved on January 16, 2012 from:

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

American History after 1865 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

American History after 1865 - Coursework Example History indicates that Roosevelt used antitrust threats with the aim of keeping various businesses within bounds (Divine et al., 667). 2.  How did Roosevelt and Wilson differ on regulating big business? Wilson did not trust in the opinions given by Roosevelt about business growth (Divine et al., 675). On his side, Roosevelt managed to lay out various reform programs that favored the growth of big businesses. Some of these reform programs included railroad regulations, and greater control over various corporations. Other reform programs included laws regulating child labor and factory inspections (Divine et al., 668). Another significant issue concerning Roosevelt in the business sector is that he always said that there was a need to enhance various regulations and legislation in a way of prohibiting big business from conducting evil. For example, Roosevelt ordered the army to prepare to seize the mines that were not corresponding with various regulations (Divine et al., 667). Wilso n had various views that differed with those of Roosevelt. He viewed that most of the monopolistic big businesses were enacting various operations that subjected the economy of America. He viewed that most of the operations that big businesses were carrying only oppressed the poor. In favor big businesses, Wilson refused to support the bill that would enhance provision of minimum wages for women workers (Divine et al., 667). He also sidetracked the child labor bill that was proposed by Roosevelt stating that the bill was unconstitutional (Divine et al., 667). 3.  What were the major features of  Wilson’s progressive reform program? One of the major features is that Wilson led the Congress in enacting major pieces of legislation into law. One of these pieces of legislation was the Underwood Tariff Act in 1913 (Divine et al., 675). The significance of the Act was that it lowered the tariff rates to about 15%. Moreover, the act also assisted in removing duties from sugar, wo ol and several other consumer goods (Divine et al., 675). The other piece of legislation that Wilson managed to pass was the Federal Reserve Act. The act was of significant importance to the American government in the sense that it provided a sound and flexible currency. The act also assisted in establishing the first efficient banking system in the country (Divine et al., 675). The other piece of legislation was the Clayton Antitrust Act that he managed to pass in 1914 (Divine et al., 676). The Act was of significance importance because it prohibited unfair trade practices. 4.  How did the Progressive movement manifest itself at the level of city government? The progressives managed to help most of the poor citizens uplift themselves. However, they viewed that there were two groups of poor people. There were those who were worthy of an uplift and there were those who posed as a threat to economic health and growth in the country. The progressives managed to advocate for labor in order the poor can managed to uplift their living conditions. Moreover, the progressives managed to advocate for various women rights. They also advocated a vision for better economic and family life. According to the progressives, this would enable most of the women come out from the labor force and meet their family obligations. The progressives also advocated for

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Joan of Arc and Her Relationship with Society Term Paper

Joan of Arc and Her Relationship with Society - Term Paper Example Joan was made a leader after passing the board of theologians’ test to allow her fight English troops. Amusingly, she overpowered the enemy’s troops and led a series of triumphant wars along Loire in 1429 (Richey, 37). Joan was given a place of honor in the royal authority when Charles VII was made the king of France the same year. She was incarcerated in 1430 by the Burgundians during in Compiegne near Paris. The charges laid against her were that of witchcraft and sacrilege, and found guilty by a pro-English Bishop of Beauvias. Joan was later parched at the stake in Rouen market place at age 19. Her death is alleged to be a painful one since King Charles did not attempt to rescue her and later found innocent in her second trial. Her life teaches us to discover factors that make humanity human and be acquainted with human thoughts on search for freedom and relationship with society. 1. Relationship with Society Joan relationship with society was affected by her wearing of male clothes since she claimed that the voices advised her to do so (Blaetz, 77). The male clothes provided protection against her male colleagues who possibly could rape her when camping. The clothes made Joan flexible enough to lead her troop effectively; hence, the successful wars she accomplished. Many scholars have infer and come up with different assumptions in this topic in relating to society. Joan is depicted as a lesbian or a bi-sexual because of the male clothes she wore by the society. The clothes assisted her to be treated as equal and enter to male dominated world by associating with them easily. Furthermore, Joan core reason of wearing male clothes was to accomplish God’s mission on the French citizens. Consequently, the male clothes assisted her to fix into the male society comfortably, get acceptance from the people she had come to assist and lastly, to be heard and taken seriously when giving order and suggestions. Consequently, it is established that th e male clothes were just a tool she used to attain God’s mission of rescuing the French from the English army. Throughout her trial, the bishop asked her to remove the clothes, but instead refused since she perceived the clothes as a symbol of her loyalty to God. Her decision to wear the clothes in her trial created a major conflict between her and the society. The major question the society wants to know is whether she denied her womanhood and femininity (Cody & Evert, 268). I think Joan of Arc did not deny her womanhood, since she called herself Jeanne, la Pucelle, which emphasized that she was a virgin and a real woman. Joan relationship with society forced her to spend most of her time sewing and spinning with her fellow women when away from the military camps. Her main goal was to complete her spiritual task given by the voices (Blaetz, 77). In her task, she avoided alcohol, swearing and womanizing, which are significant values a true woman has in the society. Joan did n ot shy from stating her skills in doing femininity chores, such as sewing during her trial that proved to all that indeed was conceited to be a woman. Rape is a regular hitch in society and ruin the intimate relationship among the populace, and the life Joan of Arc who spent most of time in the military camps with groups of male soldiers depicts doubts and worries on whether she was raped or not. Scholars believe that Joan was raped when she was once beaten and attacked.

Monday, January 27, 2020

The economy of Bangladesh

The economy of Bangladesh ECONOMY OF BANGLADESH The country of Bangladesh is a developing economy. World average, however, is small but lower than India and Pakistan. Ranked of the world 48 largest economy country. Its grows lots of domestic foods. In the last few years, they make lots of different foods. Bangladeshis employed becoming a half or more then are in the agriculture sector, with RMG, they like to fish, vegetables, leather and leather goods, ceramics, as like importance product as world want rice . Sound financial problem they growth due. After that they try to fight with their own poorly financial to make their life.bangladesh is a country where can grow easily any kinds of they have lots of river thats why they could make any kinds of food easily.mainly they product lots of kinds of food. And rice, jute, wheat.lots of kind of vegetables. There have six seasons in Bangladesh. Communication, power supply, transportation and water supply and developing. They have reserves oil and coal. Day by day its improving human resource base. There have natural gas and two sea ports Mongla and Chittagong. Economic history South Asia Bangladesh was a prosperous region until modern. Tropical climate, fertile soil, advantages .wildlife, fish developing day by day. During the Mogul Empire. From Pakistan its independence 1971 now name Bangladesh. Socialist economy fellow Bangladesh. Economic sectors Agriculture of Bangladesh Bangladeshis earn most of their living from agriculture. 63% of Bangladeshi are involved in agriculture. Jute and rice are their main primary cops. As they crops lot of kinds vegetable and fruit. Although their due number of factors they grown three times in a year. Northeast they grown tea is the one of economy sector in world market. Irrigation control better flood and use fertilizers. A serious problem of Bangladesh underemployed and concern Bangladesh agriculture. Manpower is another side of Bangladesh to grow agriculture. Labour force comes from manpower. Lots of poor farmer they do to farm because they dont have another option to maintain their life. Management of Agriculture An agricultural country Bangladesh is predominantly. growth of the economy Agriculture being the engine. alleviation of poverty develop agriculture sector. improvement Since provision of food security for the life standard and generation.the overall effort by the government development of agriculture. the growing population To fulfill the food sustain dependable food security. appropriate technology modern agricultural system based improved. door steps of the farmers agricultural inputs including fertliser.procedures of agricultural credit simplification of the disbursement agricultural extension policy. system for quality modernisation of research creating opportunities investment in agriculture. the integrated technologies improvement of agro-products. Sectoral Growth In recent years has been a remarkable Rapid growth in food grain production of the countrys economic. unusually large summer and winter crops aman and boro crops. foodgrain production Bangladesh reached self-sufficiency. net purchasers of rice of rural households in the country. the development nongovernment organizations have the private sector of minidairies and poultry farms. foodgrain output was boosted Apart from favorable weather conditions.Agricultural inputs supply of key diesel, fuel ,seeds ,fertilizer.improved delivery of agriculture Good procurement support coming from Government. Manufacturing Industry Mostly of Bangladeshi women they are involved in garment industry. 19% Bangladeshi people are involved in industry. World market Bangladeshi garment is another popular. Making lots of foreign economy from garment is known another name.1.5 million people working in garment most of them are women. As a poor people they are involved in garment work. Leather product and footwear coming on in garment sector. Muslin and silk fabric the British as known famous. Dyes, yarn and clothes are as known famous in world market. Muslin and silk as known world market famous. Bangladesh Steel and Engineering Corporation (BSEC): Communication and infrastructural playing a vital role in the development the country. remark products are also improvement in country.products are Electric items, Razor blade, Ship repair, tube light, SEC wire, Transformer. Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI): 1985 through an Ordinance titled Testing Institution and Bangladesh Standard. BSTI include, among others The main function. national standards of industrial is entrusted with the responsibility chemical products and food. the technical committees is responsible for the quality of the products are ensured specific national standards. measures in the country introduction and implementation metric system of weight is also responsible. Textile sector In Bangladesh there is lots of big big textile group. Textile is another economy source of Bangladesh. Importance role of Bangladesh in textile. Nearly 4milion people working in textile .most of them are women. Export earning 78% comes from textile. There have lot of export produce earner.trousers, skirts, shorts, jackets, sweaters and sportswear fashions.. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Millennium Development Goals is committed The Government of Bangladesh. the government has been implementing this commitment National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction. increased attention to human resource no denying the fact that reaching the target hardcore poverty calls development. Developments in Post-primary Education Sector human resources development the principal element of Bangladesh to receive education the basic right of every citizen. human resources pool trained of immense importance for the country. science and technology poverty through building oriented education system. socioeconomic development national poverty of the main strategies Considering investment in education. quality of education Improve development of post-primary education. implementing appropriate programmme priority has been attached. PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS Test case of development Bangladesh. Economy in examining problems one turns. There have lot of problems political .And social problems involved. They have poor management poor politics thats why they cant growth up easy way. They dont have any kinds of modern quality. POLITICAL: A true democracy became a Bangladesh. It had been ruled by military figures. There have lots of political problems in Bangladesh. If economy can growth but political leaders cant give to growth nicely. All of political leaders think about their selfs .At the end of the day economy going down and cant improve. Its very importance about economy about country. Their all times have two parties BNP and AWAMI league. When they go to one party a new government they do fight each other. At the end country economy cant improve. Muslim make up 83% is a secular Bangladesh aways been harmony with the different religious. Social: Increased tremendously Bangladesh decade education. Prime minister both of female and gender awareness. Women trust their religious and give value complain policies. Motionless at this moment power of caretaker government. Recently, Chief Adviser (CA) Fakhruddin Ahmed the countrys current economic slowdown. Government has already taken including formation .private-public business forum the situation. Optimistic like our Chief Adviser to overcome our economic problem. Problems of economy and causes of these problems 1) Caretaker government NO confidence Caretaker government, breaking and ejecting the businesses of footpath and slums. Jute mils, fixing principles Closing and action without plans.. Showing excuse of anticorruption Torturing businessmen Businessmen by National Board of Revenue and Anticorruption Commission. Independence of newspapers hindering. 2)Investment of businessmen and investors: Businessmen and investors are not interested to invest in this country. Money earned by corruption is closed now for anticorruption. Donor agencies, military government and international they do not know who is giving the direction of power 3) Purchasing power of general people: International market exists from previous two or three years Higher price of products in. We can blame following reasons for purchasing power of general people. Higher price of products as well as decreasing. Immoral syndicates of the period of union (BNP-Jamat) governmentDestructive activities. In country and showing signal that production will decrease in near products to earn more money. Future. For this reason, businessmen are not selling their products, storing products and creating shortage. Not as much as our expectation Production of rice. Interested to import rice from a huge amount of money for the luck of confidence on caretaker government. Primitive institutional structure because care taker government has not taken any positive initiative. The hindrance of supply facing the problem of inflation. CONCLUSION: Every country have some good or bad side economy after that its depends how to manage country economy. If country economy good thats means they have some reason for its back some goods side. context of Bangladesh present relationship between inflation economic growthdevelopment partners need to work .

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Type of Decision Making Enviroment

.:VirtualSalt Introduction to Decision Making, Part 1 Robert Harris Version Date: June 9, 2012 Previous versions: December 2, 2009, October 17, 2008; July 2, 1998 We all make decisions of varying importance every day, so the idea that decision making can be a rather sophisticated art may at first seem strange. However, studies have shown that most people are much poorer at decision making than they think. An understanding of what decision making involves, together with a few effective techniques, will help you make better decisions. What is Decision Making? Some DefinitionsA good place to start is with some standard definitions of decision making. 1. Decision making is the study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and preferences of the decision maker. Making a decision implies that there are alternative choices to be considered, and in such a case we want not only to identify as many of these alternatives as possible but to choose the one that (1) has the hi ghest probability of success or effectiveness and (2) best fits with our goals, desires, lifestyle, values, and so on. The two important ideas here are that first, there must be some genuine alternatives to choose from among.Note that â€Å"Do it† or â€Å"Don't do it† does not qualify as a set of alternatives. Only â€Å"Do this† or â€Å"Do something else† really qualfies. Second, every decision must be made in the light of some standard of judgment. This standard usually gets expressed in the form of criteria, which reflect the values and preferences of the decision maker. These values and preferences are often influenced by corporate rules or culture, law, best practices, and so forth. 2. Decision making is the process of sufficiently reducing uncertainty and doubt about alternatives to allow a reasonable choice to be made from among them.This definition stresses the information-gathering function of decision making. It should be noted here that uncer tainty is reduced rather than eliminated. Very few decisions are made with absolute certainty because complete knowledge about all the alternatives is seldom possible. Thus, every decision involves a certain amount of risk. If there is no uncertainty, you do not have a decision; you have an algorithm–a set of steps or a recipe that is followed to bring about a fixed result. Kinds of Decisions There are several basic kinds of decisions. 1. Decisions whether.This is the yes/no, either/or decision that must be made before we proceed with the selection of an alternative. Should I buy a new TV? Should I travel this summer? Decisions whether are made by weighing reasons pro and con. A simple worksheet with two columns (one for Pro–reasons for, and one with Con–reasons against) can be useful for this kind of decision. It is important to be aware of having made a decision whether, since too often we assume that decision making begins with the identification of alternati ves, assuming that the decision to choose one has already been made. . Decisions which. These decisions involve a choice of one or more alternatives from among a set of possibilities, the choice being based on how well each alternative measures up to a set of predefined criteria. 3. Contingent decisions. These are decisions that have been made but put on hold until some condition is met. For example, I have decided to buy that car if I can get it for the right price; I have decided to write that article if I can work the necessary time for it into my schedule.OR even, We'll take the route through the valley if we can control the ridge and if we detect no enemy activity to the north. Most people carry around a set of already made, contingent decisions, just waiting for the right conditions or opportunity to arise. Time, energy, price, availability, opportunity, encouragement–all these factors can figure into the necessary conditions that need to be met before we can act on our decision. Some contingent decisions are unstated or even exist below the awareness of the decision maker. These are the type that occur when we seize opportunity.We don't walk around thinking, â€Å"If I see a new laser printer for $38, I'll buy it,† but if we happen upon a deal like that and we have been contemplating getting a new printer, the decision is made quickly. Decisions made in sports and warfare are like this. The best contingent and opportunistic decisions are made by the prepared mind–one that has thought about criteria and alternatives in the past. 4 . Contingent alternatives. Similar to contingent decisions, contingent alternatives involve two or more choices of action, one of which will be taken when the appropriate trigger occurs.Often this trigger is an event or more information. For example, If tomorrow is cloudy or rainy, we will mount a ground attack through the pass, but if the day is clear, we will launch an air strike to the north. OR, if, aft er this patch attempt, the leak is under 50 gallons per minute, we will sail to the home port for a repair. But if the leak is over 50 gpm, we will stay here and order a replacement pump. Decision Making is a Recursive Process A critical factor that decision theorists sometimes neglect to emphasize is that in spite of the way the process is presented on paper, decision making is a nonlinear, recursive process.That is, most decisions are made by moving back and forth between the choice of criteria (the characteristics we want our choice to meet) and the identification of alternatives (the possibilities we can choose from among). The alternatives available influence the criteria we apply to them, and similarly the criteria we establish influence the alternatives we will consider. Let's look at an example to clarify this. Suppose someone wants to decide, Should I get married? Notice that this is a decision whether.A linear approach to decision making would be to decide this question by weighing the reasons pro and con (what are the benefits and drawbacks of getting married) and then to move to the next part of the process, the identification of criteria (supportive, easy going, competent, affectionate, etc. ). Next, we would identify alternatives likely to have these criteria (Kathy, Jennifer, Michelle, Julie, etc. ). Finally we would evaluate each alternative according to the criteria and choose the one that best meets the criteria. We would thus have a scheme like this: decision whether †¦ select criteria †¦ identify alternatives †¦ atch criteria to alternatives †¦ make choice However, the fact is that our decision whether to get married may really be a contingent decision. â€Å"I'll get married if I can find the right person. † It will thus be influenced by the identification of alternatives, which we usually think of as a later step in the process. Similarly, suppose we have arrived at the â€Å"identify alternatives† stage of the process when we discover that Jennifer (one of the girls identified as an alternative) has a wonderful personality characteristic that we had not even thought of before, but that we now really want to have in a wife.We immediately add that characteristic to our criteria. Thus, the decision making process continues to move back and forth, around and around as it progresses in what will eventually be a linear direction but which in its actual workings is highly recursive. Key point, then, is that the characteristics of the alternatives we discover will often revise the criteria we have previously identified. The Components of Decision Making The Decision Environment Every decision is made within a decision environment, which is defined as the collection of information, alternatives, values, and preferences available at the time of the decision.An ideal decision environment would include all possible information, all of it accurate, and every possible alternative. However, both information and alternatives are constrained because the time and effort to gain information or identify alternatives are limited. The time constraint simply means that a decision must be made by a certain time. The effort constraint reflects the limits of manpower, money, and priorities. (You wouldn't want to spend three hours and half a tank of gas trying to find the very best parking place at the mall. Since decisions must be made within this constrained environment, we can say that the major challenge of decision making is uncertainty, and a major goal of decision analysis is to reduce uncertainty. We can almost never have all information needed to make a decision with certainty, so most decisions involve an undeniable amount of risk. The fact that decisions must be made within a limiting decision environment suggests two things. First, it explains why hindsight is so much more accurate and better at making decisions that foresight.As time passes, the decision environment contin ues to grow and expand. New information and new alternatives appear–even after the decision must be made. Armed with new information after the fact, the hindsighters can many times look back and make a much better decision than the original maker, because the decision environment has continued to expand. The second thing suggested by the decision-within-an-environment idea follows from the above point. Since the decision environment continues to expand as time passes, it is often advisable to put off making a decision until close to the deadline.Information and alternatives continue to grow as time passes, so to have access to the most information and to the best alternatives, do not make the decision too soon. Now, since we are dealing with real life, it is obvious that some alternatives might no longer be available if too much time passes; that is a tension we have to work with, a tension that helps to shape the cutoff date for the decision. Delaying a decision as long as r easonably possible, then, provides three benefits: 1. The decision environment will be larger, providing more information.There is also time for more thoughtful and extended analysis. 2. New alternatives might be recognized or created. Version 2. 0 might be released. 3. The decision maker's preferences might change. With further thought, wisdom, and maturity, you may decide not to buy car X and instead to buy car Y. And delaying a decision involves several risks: 1. As the decision environment continues to grow, the decision maker might become overwhelmed with too much information and either make a poorer decision or else face decision paralysis. 2.Some alternatives might become unavailable because of events occurring during the delay. In a few cases, where the decision was between two alternatives (attack the pass or circle around behind the large rock), both alternatives might become unavailable, leaving the decision maker with nothing. And we have all had the experience of seeing some amazing bargain only to hesitate and find that when we go back to buy the item, it is sold out. 3. In a competitive environment, a faster rival might make the decision and gain advantage.Another manufacturer might bring a similar product to market before you (because that company didn't delay the decision) or the opposing army might have seized the pass while the other army was â€Å"letting the decision environment grow. † The Effects of Quantity on Decision Making Many decision makers have a tendency to seek more information than required to make a good decision. When too much information is sought and obtained, one or more of several problems can arise. (1) A delay in the decision occurs because of the time required to obtain and process the extra information.This delay could impair the effectiveness of the decision or solution. (2) Information overload will occur. In this state, so much information is available that decision-making ability actually declines because the information in its entirety can no longer be managed or assessed appropriately. A major problem caused by information overload is forgetfulness. When too much information is taken into memory, especially in a short period of time, some of the information (often that received early on) will be pushed out.The example is sometimes given of the man who spent the day at an information-heavy seminar. At the end of the day, he was not only unable to remember the first half of the seminar but he had also forgotten where he parked his car that morning. (3) Selective use of the information will occur. That is, the decision maker will choose from among all the information available only those facts which support a preconceived solution or position. (4) Mental fatigue occurs, which results in slower work or poor quality work. (5) Decision fatigue occurs where the decision maker tires of making decisions.Often the result is fast, careless decisions or even decision paralysis–no decisi ons are made at all. The quantity of information that can be processed by the human mind is limited. Unless information is consciously selected, processing will be biased toward the first part of the information received. After that, the mind tires and begins to ignore subsequent information or forget earlier information. (Have you ever gone shopping for something where you looked at many alternatives–cars, knives, phones, TVs–only to decide that you liked the first one best? Decision Streams A common misconception about decision making is that decisions are made in isolation from each other: you gather information, explore alternatives, and make a choice, without regard to anything that has gone before. The fact is, decisions are made in a context of other decisions. The typical metaphor used to explain this is that of a stream. There is a stream of decisions surrounding a given decision, many decisions made earlier have led up to this decision and made it both possib le and limited. Many other decisions will follow from it.Another way to describe this situation is to say that most decisions involve a choice from a group of preselected alternatives, made available to us from the universe of alternatives by the previous decisions we have made. Previous decisions have â€Å"activated† or â€Å"made operable† certain alternatives and â€Å"deactivated† or â€Å"made inoperable† others. For example, when you decide to go to the park, your decision has been enabled by many previous decisions. You had to decide to live near the park; you had to decide to buy a car or learn about bus routes, and so on.And your previous decisions have constrained your subsequent ones: you can't decide to go to a park this afternoon if it is three states away. By deciding to live where you do, you have both enabled and disabled a whole series of other decisions. As another example, when you enter a store to buy a DVD player or TV, you are faced with the preselected alternatives stocked by the store. There may be 200 models available in the universe of models, but you will be choosing from, say, only a dozen. In this case, your decision has been constrained by the decisions made by others about which models to carry.We might say, then, that every decision (1) follows from previous decisions, (2) enables many future decisions, and (3) prevents other future decisions. People who have trouble making decisions are sometimes trapped by the constraining nature of decision making. Every decision you make precludes other decisions, and therefore might be said to cause a loss of freedom. If you decide to marry Terry, you no longer can decide to marry Shawn. However, just as making a decision causes a loss of freedom, it also creates new freedom, new choices and new possibilities. So making a decision is liberating as well as constraining.And a decision left unmade will often result in a decision by default or a decision being made for you. It is important to realize that every decision you make affects the decision stream and the collections of alternatives available to you both immediately and in the future. In other words, decisions have far reaching consequences. Go to Introduction to Decision Making, Part 2 Introduction to Decision Making, Part 3 Other Tools for Creative Thinking and Problem Solving Critical Thinking Course Homepage Introduction to Creative Thinking Creative Thinking Techniques Criteria for Evaluating a Creative SolutionIntroduction to Problem Solving Human-Factor Phenomena in Problem Solving Problem Solving Techniques Biases Affecting Information Processing Decision Making Techniques Decision Simplification Techniques Difficulties Created by the Videographic Presentation of Information Why Are We So Busy? Truths of the Information Age VirtualSalt Home Copyright 1998, 2009, 2012 by Robert Harris | How to cite this page w w w . v i r t u a l s a l t . c o m About the author: Robert Harris is a writer and educator with more than 25 years of teaching experience at the college and university level. RHarris at virtualsalt. com

Friday, January 10, 2020

Bowling for Columbine

According to Megan McArdle, â€Å"Since 1982, there have been at least 62 mass shootings* across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. Twenty-five of these mass shootings have occurred since 2006, and seven of them took place in 2012. † Violence in schools as well as the country is on the rise at an alarming rate, raising questions about gun control. After viewing the documentary Bowling for Columbine, I was intrigued. What follows is a summary of the documentary viewed and my thoughtful reaction.First, the shocking information and summary of school shootings and gun control must be understood. Throughout the documentary, shocking information on school shootings is shown. On April 20, 1999, the town of Littleton, Colorado was changed forever by the violent acts of two students at Columbine High School. According to the documentary, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold started their morning off by bowling at a local bowling alley. Harris a nd Klebold then proceeded to the high school equipped with ammunition and guns legally purchased at Kmart.Along with the firearms and ammunition, Harris and Klebold were dressed in long, black trench coats, earning them the name, â€Å"Trench Coat Mafia†. Once at the school, pipe bombs were set-off, ensuing mass chaos. Harris and Klebold then fired over 900 rounds of ammunition on students and teachers, killing 12 students and 2 teachers followed by committing suicide. After ignoring pleas, the National Rifle Society (NRA) held a pro-gun rally in Littleton, Colorado a mere Ten days after the school shooting at Columbine.Charleston Heston, NRA President, caused quite a stir when asked to leave and take his guns with saying, â€Å"you can pry them from my cold dead hands†. After Columbine, schools locked down on their students. Many schools enforced new uniform policies to ensure weapons could not be concealed in clothing or other places. Along with clothing options, the definition of weapons changed from guns and knives to paper, chicken strips, hair color, paperclips, kilts, and even finger pointing while saying ‘pow-pow’. Numerous things have been blamed for the violence that occurred at Columbine.Some of these things include music, video games, movies, race, the media, bullying, and in Littleton, Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin is the world’s largest manufacturer of weapons and is responsible for many of the weapons used in wars. On April 20, 1999, President Clinton dropped the biggest assault on Kosovo the war had seen. Lockheed Martin built the majority of the bombs and missiles used. Columbine was not the first and sadly, not the last of school shootings and violence in America. Before the Columbine shooting, Timothy McVey, Terry Nichols, and James Nichols bombed a federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people.James Nichols was the only member that was not convicted, although all of the planning and bomb construc tion was done on his organic farm in Decker, Michigan. Moore went to visit Nichols on his farm to interview him on his stance on gun control and the Oklahoma City Bombing. Nichols, along with Klebold and Harris, used the Anarchist Cookbook to make many of the bombs used in their acts of violence. When asked why not use words instead of violence, Nichols replied, â€Å"The pen is mightier than the sword. But you need to have a sword too if it doesn’t work†.Gun Control in America is a very controversial issue. While many states have laws against guns, Virgin, Utah mandates that all citizens must own a weapon. Every year, the United States has over 11,127 killings by guns, while German, France, Canada, U. K. , Australia, and Japan have a combined total of 973 killings per year. Many things such as divorce, poverty, violent music and video games, and a history of violent behavior in the United States have all been speculated as causes for school violence.While there have b een many things blamed as a cause for violence, statistics show that murders have decreased by 20% but the media coverage has gone up by 600%. Each night, the media portrays America as a scary place full of nightmares around every corner, ensuing fear and panic in the general public. In Canada, new coverage is more positive and viewers are not being pumped full of fear daily. While the factors are the same, the rates for violence are far fewer. There is a misconception that Canadians do not own guns, but each family has an average of 7 guns per household.With less fear and violence, it is common for Canadians to keep their doors unlock, a theory tested and proved to be true by Moore. Once again tragedy struck in Flint, Michigan on February 29, 2000, when 6-year-old Dedrick Owens shot and killed his classmate, Kayla Rolland. Flint, Michigan has close to 87% of people living below the poverty line and many are enrolled in the ‘Welfare to Work’ program. The welfare program has many single parents riding a bus for over an hour one-way to a minimum wage job, often leaving children unattended, being the case with Dedrick Owens.Left unsupervised, Owens was able to access a gun and bring it to school. Many people wanted Owens tried as an adult, although he was only 6 years old. Eight months after the shooting, Heston and the NRA arrived in Flint, Michigan for the â€Å"Get Out and Vote† campaign. Heston was criticized for, once again, showing up to a town of a recent school shooting. When interviewed by Moore, Heston became very upset and stopped the interview when asked why he comes to towns to hold rallies after school shootings. Next, my thoughtful reaction to the documentary along with questions.While I found the documentary to be very interesting, I feel that it focused too much on being a smear campaign towards the NRA and showed very little on Columbine, yet the title was Bowling for Columbine. Instead of conveying the severity of the massac re, Moore downplayed the situation by calling Harris and Klebold ‘boys’. By doing this, Moore made it seem as though Harris and Klebold did not understand what they were doing as well as making them seem more innocent. In reality, Klebold and Harris â€Å"had begun thinking about a large massacre as early as April 1998 – a full year before the actual event† (Rosenberg 1).Throughout the documentary, Moore creates a lot of false impressions, many of them being with Charleston Heston. For instance, Moore splices many of Heston’s speeches to make it seem as though he is a villain. One particular quote, â€Å"From my cold dead hands† was taken from a speech done one year later in South Carolina, not at the rally held 10 days after in Denver, Colorado shown in Bowling for Columbine. Moore also makes Heston seem like a racist when in fact, Heston worked with Martin Luther King Jr. in protests and helped break Hollywood’s color barrier (hardyl aw. net).Along with false impressions, I was left wondering where Moore got his statistics and information seeing as he listed no sources. According to Moore, in 2002 there were 11,127 deaths by guns in the United States when it is actually closer to 8,000 (Hardy 1). While the documentary had many things I did not agree with, there were a few that I appreciated. The film opened my eyes to the violence that goes on each day throughout the World. Gun control is a major issue that needs to be addressed, especially the issue of determining how people can obtain weapons and ammunition.At the end of the film, Moore and two survivors from Columbine get Kmart to stop selling weapons and bullets. Personally, I think this was the most honest and sincere part of the entire documentary. In conclusion, there are many things that I learned after viewing Bowling For Columbine. What followed was a summary of the documentary along with my thoughtful reactions. When asked what he would say to Harris and Klebold if he had the chance, Marylin Manson replied, â€Å"Nothing! I would listen, that’s what nobody did†. Perhaps violence in schools, as well as life, could be reduced if people just took the time to listen.Works Cited Hardy, David T. Bowling for Columbine. David T. Hardy, Apr. 2003. Web. 12 Mar 2013. McArdle, Megan. Department of Awful Statistics: Are Mass Shootings Really On the Rise? The Daily Beast, 28 Jan. 2013. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Rosenberg, Jennifer. Columbine Massacre. About, N. d. Web. 12 Mar. 2013 Bowling for Columbine According to Megan McArdle, â€Å"Since 1982, there have been at least 62 mass shootings* across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. Twenty-five of these mass shootings have occurred since 2006, and seven of them took place in 2012. † Violence in schools as well as the country is on the rise at an alarming rate, raising questions about gun control. After viewing the documentary Bowling for Columbine, I was intrigued. What follows is a summary of the documentary viewed and my thoughtful reaction.First, the shocking information and summary of school shootings and gun control must be understood. Throughout the documentary, shocking information on school shootings is shown. On April 20, 1999, the town of Littleton, Colorado was changed forever by the violent acts of two students at Columbine High School. According to the documentary, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold started their morning off by bowling at a local bowling alley. Harris a nd Klebold then proceeded to the high school equipped with ammunition and guns legally purchased at Kmart.Along with the firearms and ammunition, Harris and Klebold were dressed in long, black trench coats, earning them the name, â€Å"Trench Coat Mafia†. Once at the school, pipe bombs were set-off, ensuing mass chaos. Harris and Klebold then fired over 900 rounds of ammunition on students and teachers, killing 12 students and 2 teachers followed by committing suicide. After ignoring pleas, the National Rifle Society (NRA) held a pro-gun rally in Littleton, Colorado a mere Ten days after the school shooting at Columbine.Charleston Heston, NRA President, caused quite a stir when asked to leave and take his guns with saying, â€Å"you can pry them from my cold dead hands†. After Columbine, schools locked down on their students. Many schools enforced new uniform policies to ensure weapons could not be concealed in clothing or other places. Along with clothing options, the definition of weapons changed from guns and knives to paper, chicken strips, hair color, paperclips, kilts, and even finger pointing while saying ‘pow-pow’. Numerous things have been blamed for the violence that occurred at Columbine.Some of these things include music, video games, movies, race, the media, bullying, and in Littleton, Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin is the world’s largest manufacturer of weapons and is responsible for many of the weapons used in wars. On April 20, 1999, President Clinton dropped the biggest assault on Kosovo the war had seen. Lockheed Martin built the majority of the bombs and missiles used. Columbine was not the first and sadly, not the last of school shootings and violence in America. Before the Columbine shooting, Timothy McVey, Terry Nichols, and James Nichols bombed a federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people.James Nichols was the only member that was not convicted, although all of the planning and bomb construc tion was done on his organic farm in Decker, Michigan. Moore went to visit Nichols on his farm to interview him on his stance on gun control and the Oklahoma City Bombing. Nichols, along with Klebold and Harris, used the Anarchist Cookbook to make many of the bombs used in their acts of violence. When asked why not use words instead of violence, Nichols replied, â€Å"The pen is mightier than the sword. But you need to have a sword too if it doesn’t work†.Gun Control in America is a very controversial issue. While many states have laws against guns, Virgin, Utah mandates that all citizens must own a weapon. Every year, the United States has over 11,127 killings by guns, while German, France, Canada, U. K. , Australia, and Japan have a combined total of 973 killings per year. Many things such as divorce, poverty, violent music and video games, and a history of violent behavior in the United States have all been speculated as causes for school violence.While there have b een many things blamed as a cause for violence, statistics show that murders have decreased by 20% but the media coverage has gone up by 600%. Each night, the media portrays America as a scary place full of nightmares around every corner, ensuing fear and panic in the general public. In Canada, new coverage is more positive and viewers are not being pumped full of fear daily. While the factors are the same, the rates for violence are far fewer. There is a misconception that Canadians do not own guns, but each family has an average of 7 guns per household.With less fear and violence, it is common for Canadians to keep their doors unlock, a theory tested and proved to be true by Moore. Once again tragedy struck in Flint, Michigan on February 29, 2000, when 6-year-old Dedrick Owens shot and killed his classmate, Kayla Rolland. Flint, Michigan has close to 87% of people living below the poverty line and many are enrolled in the ‘Welfare to Work’ program. The welfare program has many single parents riding a bus for over an hour one-way to a minimum wage job, often leaving children unattended, being the case with Dedrick Owens.Left unsupervised, Owens was able to access a gun and bring it to school. Many people wanted Owens tried as an adult, although he was only 6 years old. Eight months after the shooting, Heston and the NRA arrived in Flint, Michigan for the â€Å"Get Out and Vote† campaign. Heston was criticized for, once again, showing up to a town of a recent school shooting. When interviewed by Moore, Heston became very upset and stopped the interview when asked why he comes to towns to hold rallies after school shootings. Next, my thoughtful reaction to the documentary along with questions.While I found the documentary to be very interesting, I feel that it focused too much on being a smear campaign towards the NRA and showed very little on Columbine, yet the title was Bowling for Columbine. Instead of conveying the severity of the massac re, Moore downplayed the situation by calling Harris and Klebold ‘boys’. By doing this, Moore made it seem as though Harris and Klebold did not understand what they were doing as well as making them seem more innocent. In reality, Klebold and Harris â€Å"had begun thinking about a large massacre as early as April 1998 – a full year before the actual event† (Rosenberg 1).Throughout the documentary, Moore creates a lot of false impressions, many of them being with Charleston Heston. For instance, Moore splices many of Heston’s speeches to make it seem as though he is a villain. One particular quote, â€Å"From my cold dead hands† was taken from a speech done one year later in South Carolina, not at the rally held 10 days after in Denver, Colorado shown in Bowling for Columbine. Moore also makes Heston seem like a racist when in fact, Heston worked with Martin Luther King Jr. in protests and helped break Hollywood’s color barrier (hardyl aw. net).Along with false impressions, I was left wondering where Moore got his statistics and information seeing as he listed no sources. According to Moore, in 2002 there were 11,127 deaths by guns in the United States when it is actually closer to 8,000 (Hardy 1). While the documentary had many things I did not agree with, there were a few that I appreciated. The film opened my eyes to the violence that goes on each day throughout the World. Gun control is a major issue that needs to be addressed, especially the issue of determining how people can obtain weapons and ammunition.At the end of the film, Moore and two survivors from Columbine get Kmart to stop selling weapons and bullets. Personally, I think this was the most honest and sincere part of the entire documentary. In conclusion, there are many things that I learned after viewing Bowling For Columbine. What followed was a summary of the documentary along with my thoughtful reactions. When asked what he would say to Harris and Klebold if he had the chance, Marylin Manson replied, â€Å"Nothing! I would listen, that’s what nobody did†. Perhaps violence in schools, as well as life, could be reduced if people just took the time to listen.Works Cited Hardy, David T. Bowling for Columbine. David T. Hardy, Apr. 2003. Web. 12 Mar 2013. McArdle, Megan. Department of Awful Statistics: Are Mass Shootings Really On the Rise? The Daily Beast, 28 Jan. 2013. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Rosenberg, Jennifer. Columbine Massacre. About, N. d. Web. 12 Mar. 2013 Bowling for Columbine According to Megan McArdle, â€Å"Since 1982, there have been at least 62 mass shootings* across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. Twenty-five of these mass shootings have occurred since 2006, and seven of them took place in 2012. † Violence in schools as well as the country is on the rise at an alarming rate, raising questions about gun control. After viewing the documentary Bowling for Columbine, I was intrigued. What follows is a summary of the documentary viewed and my thoughtful reaction.First, the shocking information and summary of school shootings and gun control must be understood. Throughout the documentary, shocking information on school shootings is shown. On April 20, 1999, the town of Littleton, Colorado was changed forever by the violent acts of two students at Columbine High School. According to the documentary, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold started their morning off by bowling at a local bowling alley. Harris a nd Klebold then proceeded to the high school equipped with ammunition and guns legally purchased at Kmart.Along with the firearms and ammunition, Harris and Klebold were dressed in long, black trench coats, earning them the name, â€Å"Trench Coat Mafia†. Once at the school, pipe bombs were set-off, ensuing mass chaos. Harris and Klebold then fired over 900 rounds of ammunition on students and teachers, killing 12 students and 2 teachers followed by committing suicide. After ignoring pleas, the National Rifle Society (NRA) held a pro-gun rally in Littleton, Colorado a mere Ten days after the school shooting at Columbine.Charleston Heston, NRA President, caused quite a stir when asked to leave and take his guns with saying, â€Å"you can pry them from my cold dead hands†. After Columbine, schools locked down on their students. Many schools enforced new uniform policies to ensure weapons could not be concealed in clothing or other places. Along with clothing options, the definition of weapons changed from guns and knives to paper, chicken strips, hair color, paperclips, kilts, and even finger pointing while saying ‘pow-pow’. Numerous things have been blamed for the violence that occurred at Columbine.Some of these things include music, video games, movies, race, the media, bullying, and in Littleton, Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin is the world’s largest manufacturer of weapons and is responsible for many of the weapons used in wars. On April 20, 1999, President Clinton dropped the biggest assault on Kosovo the war had seen. Lockheed Martin built the majority of the bombs and missiles used. Columbine was not the first and sadly, not the last of school shootings and violence in America. Before the Columbine shooting, Timothy McVey, Terry Nichols, and James Nichols bombed a federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people.James Nichols was the only member that was not convicted, although all of the planning and bomb construc tion was done on his organic farm in Decker, Michigan. Moore went to visit Nichols on his farm to interview him on his stance on gun control and the Oklahoma City Bombing. Nichols, along with Klebold and Harris, used the Anarchist Cookbook to make many of the bombs used in their acts of violence. When asked why not use words instead of violence, Nichols replied, â€Å"The pen is mightier than the sword. But you need to have a sword too if it doesn’t work†.Gun Control in America is a very controversial issue. While many states have laws against guns, Virgin, Utah mandates that all citizens must own a weapon. Every year, the United States has over 11,127 killings by guns, while German, France, Canada, U. K. , Australia, and Japan have a combined total of 973 killings per year. Many things such as divorce, poverty, violent music and video games, and a history of violent behavior in the United States have all been speculated as causes for school violence.While there have b een many things blamed as a cause for violence, statistics show that murders have decreased by 20% but the media coverage has gone up by 600%. Each night, the media portrays America as a scary place full of nightmares around every corner, ensuing fear and panic in the general public. In Canada, new coverage is more positive and viewers are not being pumped full of fear daily. While the factors are the same, the rates for violence are far fewer. There is a misconception that Canadians do not own guns, but each family has an average of 7 guns per household.With less fear and violence, it is common for Canadians to keep their doors unlock, a theory tested and proved to be true by Moore. Once again tragedy struck in Flint, Michigan on February 29, 2000, when 6-year-old Dedrick Owens shot and killed his classmate, Kayla Rolland. Flint, Michigan has close to 87% of people living below the poverty line and many are enrolled in the ‘Welfare to Work’ program. The welfare program has many single parents riding a bus for over an hour one-way to a minimum wage job, often leaving children unattended, being the case with Dedrick Owens.Left unsupervised, Owens was able to access a gun and bring it to school. Many people wanted Owens tried as an adult, although he was only 6 years old. Eight months after the shooting, Heston and the NRA arrived in Flint, Michigan for the â€Å"Get Out and Vote† campaign. Heston was criticized for, once again, showing up to a town of a recent school shooting. When interviewed by Moore, Heston became very upset and stopped the interview when asked why he comes to towns to hold rallies after school shootings. Next, my thoughtful reaction to the documentary along with questions.While I found the documentary to be very interesting, I feel that it focused too much on being a smear campaign towards the NRA and showed very little on Columbine, yet the title was Bowling for Columbine. Instead of conveying the severity of the massac re, Moore downplayed the situation by calling Harris and Klebold ‘boys’. By doing this, Moore made it seem as though Harris and Klebold did not understand what they were doing as well as making them seem more innocent. In reality, Klebold and Harris â€Å"had begun thinking about a large massacre as early as April 1998 – a full year before the actual event† (Rosenberg 1).Throughout the documentary, Moore creates a lot of false impressions, many of them being with Charleston Heston. For instance, Moore splices many of Heston’s speeches to make it seem as though he is a villain. One particular quote, â€Å"From my cold dead hands† was taken from a speech done one year later in South Carolina, not at the rally held 10 days after in Denver, Colorado shown in Bowling for Columbine. Moore also makes Heston seem like a racist when in fact, Heston worked with Martin Luther King Jr. in protests and helped break Hollywood’s color barrier (hardyl aw. net).Along with false impressions, I was left wondering where Moore got his statistics and information seeing as he listed no sources. According to Moore, in 2002 there were 11,127 deaths by guns in the United States when it is actually closer to 8,000 (Hardy 1). While the documentary had many things I did not agree with, there were a few that I appreciated. The film opened my eyes to the violence that goes on each day throughout the World. Gun control is a major issue that needs to be addressed, especially the issue of determining how people can obtain weapons and ammunition.At the end of the film, Moore and two survivors from Columbine get Kmart to stop selling weapons and bullets. Personally, I think this was the most honest and sincere part of the entire documentary. In conclusion, there are many things that I learned after viewing Bowling For Columbine. What followed was a summary of the documentary along with my thoughtful reactions. When asked what he would say to Harris and Klebold if he had the chance, Marylin Manson replied, â€Å"Nothing! I would listen, that’s what nobody did†. Perhaps violence in schools, as well as life, could be reduced if people just took the time to listen.Works Cited Hardy, David T. Bowling for Columbine. David T. Hardy, Apr. 2003. Web. 12 Mar 2013. McArdle, Megan. Department of Awful Statistics: Are Mass Shootings Really On the Rise? The Daily Beast, 28 Jan. 2013. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Rosenberg, Jennifer. Columbine Massacre. About, N. d. Web. 12 Mar. 2013